Get Your Loan

Need money fast? Franky’s Efectivo is your solution. We can give you the best offer for your jewelry and take care of them until you can withdraw them, because we know how important they are to you.
We recommend our clients to get a loan instead of selling their jewerly, this way whenever they need money, they can get another loan, “Having a jewel is like having a line of credit always open.”
Bring your Gold and Luxury watches (Rolex & Cartier) to any of our locations or ship it from the comfort of your home ( Available only in USA) and watch live the evaluation done by our experts who will verifity the weight and purity of your gold, to give you the best offer and lend you money IMMEDIATELY.
How does it work?
In person
Bring your Gold and Luxury watches (Rolex & Cartier) to any of our locations and get your CASH IMMEDIATELY.